Welcome to Unitcare

Meetings: Maintenance


In this, and the following sections, we take you through the agenda of a community corporation AGM.

Legislation – Community Titles Act

Click on Legislation above, to view Community title legislation and hints on maintenance


Be clear on what is common property by checking the plans for your group. The difference between Strata Division & Community Division is important – see Boundaries.


Painting: Owners agreed that painting was not needed at this stage, and that any decision to paint the previously painted common/community surfaces can be deferred.
Painting: The Management Committee is to obtain and consider a Solver Painting Specification and schedule of items to paint and then obtain quotations for the work. The Management Committee is given the power to act to accept a suitable quotation. The work is to be funded from the Sinking/Reserve Fund.
If the Fund is insufficient then the Management Committee is authorised to raise a special levy.
Levy: The levy is to be charged equally, rather than in accordance with unit entitlement, to those persons registered as proprietors of a unit at the time a decision to proceed is made. (requires a unanimous resolution if owners currently pay by unit entitlement)

ORLevy: The levy is to be charged in accordance with unit entitlement, to those persons registered as proprietors of a unit at the time a decision to proceed is made.

Grounds Care/Lawn Care:

Communal/Security Lighting:

Termite Responsibility: The Presiding Officer/Manager advised that any termite damages within a unit would be a strata responsibility, unless the entry of termites had resulted from negligence on the part of an owner, agent or their tenant. It was also noted that damage caused by termites was not an insured event in terms of the building insurance policy.
It is recommended that termite inspections should occur annually.
Termite Inspections: Owners agreed to have the units inspected by the Corporation for termite activity & for the report to be circulated to each owner.
Termite Inspections: Owners agreed not to have the units inspected for termite activity this year but to monitor the situation instead.
Residents are strongly requested not to facilitate the entry of termites through the storage of newspapers or wood against the building, or by putting soil against the exterior of the buildings.

Gutter Clean: The Manager is to arrange for the gutters, downpipes and stormwater drains to be cleaned before next winter.
Gutter Clean: The Management Committee accepts responsibility to advise the Manager if they wish a gutter clean to be undertaken.
Gutter Clean: The Management Committee accepts responsibility for a gutter clean as needed..




Rubbish Removal:

Other: (i.e. tree management, drain blockages, surface water disposal, etc.)


The following may be of assistance.

Meeting Minutes Pro forma

Click on picture to view & edit

Three Laws of Meetings

Click on picture to view

Meeting Manage Video

Click on picture to view video

Meeting Hints Sheet
Click on picture to view

Meeting Procedure Rules

Click on picture to view

Link to next step – Budget