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Managers: Strata & Community Titles


In this chapter we look at body corporate managers, their appointment and common problems faced by unit groups. We also look at how to terminate and change managers.

Legislation – Strata Titles Act

Click on Legislation above, to view strata title legislation and hints.

Legislation – Community Titles Act

Click on Legislation above, to view community title legislation and hints.

The business of properly running a body corporate, such as keeping records and running meetings, can be complex, particularly when there is a large number of units/lots in a group. Many body corporates choose to appoint a manager to assist in running the affairs of the corporation. Professional strata management firms charge for these services. Common Duties Compare Fees

Managers can be appointed or dismissed at a general meeting by a simple majority. In a Strata Corporation the power to appoint or dismiss may be delegated to a management committee. A body corporate which appoints a manager should carefully consider the terms of the contract of appointment. Some contracts specify a penalty if the appointment is terminated before the end of the specified term.

The legal responsibilities of the corporation do not change with the appointment of a manager. It must still have a Presiding Officer, a Secretary and a Treasurer (any two or more of these positions may be held by the same person), and is still legally liable for decisions made on its behalf.

A manager can only act in an advisory capacity and does not have any powers independent of the corporation. Managers have to act in the best interests of the corporation, and if they don’t they can be sued by the corporation, but as a preventative measure it is advisable for the corporation to maintain an active involvement in its affairs.

Managers, Agents and Financial Records: Strata managers or any agent who is authorised by the strata corporation to receive and hold money on behalf of the corporation are under strict legal obligations. An audit report of the strata manager’s trust account must be lodged with each corporation under their management (Strata Titles Act Section 36H and Community Titles Act Section 127). All unit owners are entitled to view the report. As well, financial records must be produced to the corporation upon request, and must be kept for at least seven years. Any manager or agent who fails to comply with these requirements is guilty of an offence under the Strata Titles Act.

” I have always believed that a Body Corporate management company is only as good as the chairperson and committee as elected by the owners at the AGM. It is this committee that drives the show and instructs the Body Corporate manager on all issues pertaining to the complex.” … www.propertyinvesting.com

Legislation – Strata Titles Act

Click on Legislation above, to view strata title legislation and hints.

Legislation – Community Titles Act

Click on Legislation above, to view community title legislation and hints.

Some cautionary tales of mismanagement.

How can our group can help ensure we appoint an honest and reliable manager? We believe our Manager Checklist makes for a good start.

How to make a complaint? Contact the office of Consumer & Business Services on call 131 882 from 9am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. or lodge a complaint via their website at  https://forms.sa.gov.au/#/form/5780e4f27c79ff278c3875af/app/622d7ad34d43318bb4b4b789

Please ensure that you have exhausted all avenues with your manager.


The following may assist your group.

Manager Checklist

Click on picture to view

Change Manager EGM Notice

Click on picture to view

Sample agreement

Click on picture to view

Notice to hand over records

Click on picture to view


Call 131 882 from 9am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday.

Our thanks to the Legal Services Commission of SA for some content in this chapter.