We believe that it is our corporate responsibility to support those who support our communities.
UnitCare sponsors:

Youth Inc.
The Youth Inc. Enterprise Academy is Adelaide’s newest learning alternative, and is designed specifically for young people aged 17-24 who are looking for something a bit different!
We are formally registered as an independent, senior secondary school*, but that’s as close as we get to a conventional education. We prefer to describe ourselves as a ‘studio school’ – deliberately small, and entrepreneurial! It’s like school… but very different! Different smart

World Vision
The best way to change a child’s life is to change the world in which they live. World Vision allows donations, volunteer work, and fundraising amongst many other helpful alternatives, to help change the life in which a child lives. Your support will help not only a single child, but an entire community of people. UnitCare has been a World Vision sponsor since 2001.

We have sponsored the SALA award for the moving image for some years now.
The South Australian Living Artist (SALA) Festival is an open access event that promotes the diversity of visual art across South Australia. Solo and group exhibitions, events, workshops, open studios and forums include amateur, emerging and established artists across all visual art mediums. SALA is one of the biggest open access arts events in the world.

Adelaide Festival of Ideas
Since their audience discovered the first event one misty morning in 1999, The Adelaide Festival of Ideas has forged the path for ideas festivals in Australia and internationally.
Its purpose is to celebrate the life of the mind, particularly the public value of ideas, thinking and innovation as foundations of civil society, an informed democracy and a robust economy.
Over three days in July they bring thought-provoking speakers to Adelaide from around Australia and the world and mix them in exciting ways: scientists of all kinds, policy wonks, philosophers, social and environmental activists, journalists, former politicians, historians, architects, economists, educationalists, theologians and diverse futurists.
UnitCare Services have been a sponsor since the 2016 fesitval.

Bakehouse Theatre
We sponsor the Bakehouse Theatre. The theater was known as the Troupe Theatre in the later 1970s and now as the Bakehouse.
As a venue it has a reputation for supporting plays that are avante garde and ones that take a hard look at current social and political issues..
Many young drama students perform at the bakehouse as well as some well known veterans of stage and screen.

Morphett Vale Memorial Bowling Club
Morphett Vale Memorial Bowling Club Inc. cnr South Rd & Wheatsheaf Rd, Morphett Vale
The Club has 3 of the best Santa Anna bowling greens in the Southern suburbs, which are open all year. Four-bowl pairs tournaments are held every Wednesdays and also on Saturdays throughout the winter months.
Please contact the Club on 8382-4738 if you would like to participate.
We also support the local service clubs with special events for disadvantaged children.