Welcome to Unitcare

Maintenance: Painting

In this chapter we explain procedures for the repainting of common property and its funding.

Legislation – Strata Titles Act

Click on Legislation above, to view strata title legislation and hints.

Legislation – Community Titles Act

Click on Legislation above, to view community title legislation and hints.

Repainting is often the largest single expense for owners in a body corporate.

Care needs to be taken to ensure that money is spent wisely and that a long lasting quality job is achieved.

Common Problems:

Here are some common problems with external treatments. Repainting before these problems appear will save the cost of major repairs.

Best Practice

  • Obtain a paint specification. Solver may provide one at no cost. Ring (08) 8368 1200
  • Have the group’s Management Committee or a General Meeting agree on the specification, schedule of works & colour scheme.
  • Consider engaging a suitably qualified person to supervise the works.
  • Seek quotes from qualified, licensed and insured painters – ensure you provide the agreed paint specification, schedule of works, a plan of the group and photograph if possible.
  • Once you have sufficient quotes, have the group’s Management Committee or a General Meeting agree which one to accept and funding of the works. See Tools below for a pro forma minute on this matter.
  • Advise the unsuccessful contractors.
  • Advise the successful contractor by phone-
    • If your group have the funds to hand establish a start date for the works.
    • If you are raising funds, establish if the contractor wishes to start before all funds are to hand in order to fill a gap in their schedule. Otherwise establish a start date after all funds are expected to be on hand.
    • Confirm all discussions in writing.
    • Advise the painting supervisor (if one has been retained) of the winning contractor, their details and start date.
  • Ensure all residents are advised in writing at least a week prior to painting commencing. The contractor will need to have external windows and doors opened from time to time.
  • Once work is underway ensure compliance with the paint specification.
  • Only make progress payments once the management committee and/or painting supervisor is satisfied with the work.
  • Upon completion we suggest a walk around the group. Look for areas and spots that may have been missed along with paint spatter that needs cleaning up.


Avoid painting in cold wet weather.

Following the repainting of your group consider establishing a Sinking Fund that will over the lifetime of the paint raise sufficient funds to pay for the next round of painting.

See the Boundary chapter for the definition of Common property to check what is common property


Example of general meeting minutes that may be useful:

The Management Committee is to obtain and consider a Solver Painting Specification and schedule of items to paint and then obtain quotations for the work. The Management Committee is given the power to act to accept a suitable quotation. The work is to be funded from the Sinking/Reserve Fund. If the Fund is insufficient then the Management Committee is authorized to raise a special levy.

Levy: The levy is to be charged equally, rather than in accordance with unit/lot entitlement, to those persons registered as proprietors of a unit/lot at the time a decision to proceed is made. (requires a unanimous resolution if owners currently pay by unit/lot entitlement)


Levy: The levy is to be charged in accordance with unit/lot entitlement, to those persons registered as proprietors of a unit/lot at the time a decision to proceed is made.


Sample painting specification

Click on picture for printable version

Exterior colour chart

Link to Solver website