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Best Practice Manual: Community Titles

Welcome to Best Practice: Community Titles

The Community Titles Act 1996 regulates the development and administration of community titles. There are two types of community titles available, depending on the nature of the scheme:

  • Community Schemes
  • Community Strata Schemes – 1 lot above or over another

Regardless of the type of community title, both divide land to create lots and common property in a similar manner to strata titles. Each plan must divide the land to create at least two community lots and common property.

A lot may be vacant land used for primary purposes, or contain a structure for residential, commercial or industrial uses etc. A strata lot is similar to a strata unit, under the Strata Titles Act, but are limited to multi-storey buildings where they exist one above another.

Community schemes can be further divided into Secondary & Tertiary schemes.

The development of a community scheme can be staged over time.

Community Titles include provisions to fine those who breach the By-Laws.

The success of this increasingly common form of tenure and style of community living depends on communication, harmony and the fairness of its operation. Compliance with the law is fundamental to fairness and accountability. Creating and maintaining harmony within bodies corporate can be achieved through a common understanding of legal rights and obligations by owners, residents and body corporate managers.

These pages are designed as a general guide and are not intended as a substitute for professional advice.

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It is intended that our Guide will assist in:

  • understanding the range of laws which impact on bodies corporate;
  • undertaking the duties and responsibilities in a way that ensures ‘best practice’ body corporate management; and
  • instituting processes and procedures in a way that assists lot owners in fulfilling their legal requirements, thus facilitating the smooth running and proper accountability of the body corporate.

These pages are designed as a general guide and are not intended as a substitute for professional advice.