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Meetings: Other Business & Close

In this and the following sections we take you through the agenda of a strata corporation AGM.

Other Business & Close

Any decisions that are made should be put as a motion. Ask for a mover and seconder. If there is no support by way of a seconder, declare that the motion lapses for lack of a seconder. If there is a seconder then ask for any discussion on the motion. After a two or three speakers for and against, say: “I will now call for a vote on the motion” (You may ask the Secretary to read the motion again so that members are sure of what they are voting on).
“All those in favour? Against? I declare the motion carried/lost”.

Is there any further business?



_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ was/were thanked for her/his/their hospitality in hosting the meeting. The meeting was closed at ______am/pm with a note of appreciation to those who attended.


As chairperson:

  • ask for other business at the start of the meeting – this makes gagging a member easier
  • gagging may be useful where the meeting is running late, others present do not want to discuss the matter
  • it is at the pleasure of the meeting whether it accepts a motion, not on the agenda
  • consult the Three Laws of Meetings and Robert’s Rules under Tools for more help


The following may be of assistance.

Meeting Minutes Pro forma

Click on picture to view & edit

Three Laws of Meetings

Click on picture to view

Meeting Manage Video

Click on picture to view video

Meeting Hints Sheet
Click on picture to view

Meeting Procedure Rules

Click on picture to view