Meetings: Insurance
In this, and the following sections, we take you through the agenda of a strata corporation AGM.
Insurance, this item follows the appointment of officers. An extract from our pro-forma minutes follows…
Building Insurance: See common property insurance page
Public Liability Insurance: See public liability insurance page
Other Insurance: See other insurance page
Owners rights: See insurance – owners rights page
This item follows the appointment of officers on the agenda. An extract from our pro-forma minutes follows.
Section 30 of the Strata Titles Act imposes a duty on the Corporation to insure all building and building improvements for their full replacement value, including all costs, incidental to and associated with their replacement.
The Corporation is further required to keep itself insured against liability for negligence/bodily injury ($10,000,000 minimum) and against any other liabilities [eg: flood, office bearer liability, catastrophe] determined by a special resolution of the Corporation.
The Corporation’s current policy details are as follows:
Underwriter: _________________________________________________
Renewal Date: _______________
Building: $ ______________
Excesses: $ ______________
Loss of Rent/Alternative Accommodation $ ______________
Common Contents: $ ______________
Legal Liability/Public Liability: $10,000,000 / 20,000,000
Volunteers: $ ______________
Fidelity Guarantee: $ ______________
Office Bearers Liability: $ ______________
Catastrophe: $ ______________
Cover to Remain the same: It was agreed that the insurance covers remain the same.
Renewal to Management Committee: It was agreed that the insurance renewal be forwarded to the Management Committee for consideration.
As Suggested by Insurance Company: It was agreed that the insurance cover be increased, at renewal by the amount suggested by the insurance company.
Obtain Quotations: It was agreed that quotations be obtained for cover of $________________ before the renewal, and sent to the Management Committee for a decision.
Cover to be Changed: It was agreed that property cover be $________________ and that legal liability cover of $10,000,000 / $20,000,000 be retained.Moved____________ / Seconded ____________ Motion carried.
Insurance Valuation: It was noted that there was no valuation on file.
It was noted that the most recent valuation was on ____________ for $_______
Insurance Valuation: It was resolved to engage the services of a certified practicing valuer to prepare an insurance valuation report (replacement value) that shall be forwarded to the Management Committee for a decision.
Insurance Valuation: It was noted that there was no valuation on file.
Insurance Valuation Defer: It was agreed to defer engaging the services of a certified practicing valuer.Policy – Insurance Excess Payments: It was resolved that the owner will pay the insurance excess on any insurance claim to do with the property of the owner. The Corporation will pay the excess on any claim related to the common property.
The unit owner has a right of written appeal to the Management Committee.Moved____________ / Seconded ____________ Motion carried.
Commissions: It was noted that the manager receives a commission if the Corporation’s insurance is placed with ______________________________
Home/Contents Insurance: It was noted that it is necessary for unit owners to individually arrange for adequate insurance for any buildings erected upon their respective units, as well as the contents of their homes. This is includes carpets, drapes, light fittings, etc., whether or not the home is occupied by the unit owner or a tenant. Such items are not included in the Corporation’s insurance policy.
As the chairperson your should:
- have a copy of the current insurance certificate at hand along with copies for all attending
- if a quote(s) is available then have sufficient copies for all present
- ensure everyone understands the importance of a comprehensive insurance policy that covers the legislative requirements, along with protection for officers and volunteers.
Best Practice
Valuations: It is strongly recommended that all Strata Corporations obtain a professional replacement valuation at least every 5 years. If your group refuses to do so we recommend that this refusal be noted in the meeting minutes, this might include the names of those in favour and those against. In this case, if a group is underinsured, you have done your best to alert them to the need for a valuation. By doing this, the owners voting against the proposal have knowingly accepted liability. See Insurance Valuations page.
The following may be of assistance.
Meeting Minutes Pro forma |
Three Laws of Meetings |
Meeting Manage Video |
Meeting Hints Sheet |
Meeting Procedure Rules |
Link to next step – Maintenance